Our Support of Canada’s Caribou Protection Programs

This year Chapman’s introduced a new ice cream bar dedicated to Canada’s majestic Caribou – Yukon Caribou Crunch. 25 cents from each box of these Chapman’s products sold across Canada will be donated towards ongoing Caribou protection efforts through Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society.

“Many Canadians recognize that it is our responsibility for future generations to protect biodiversity of our great country and we want to contribute to this process and bring attention to the ongoing deterioration of Canada’s wildlife” Ashley Chapman, VP of Chapman’s Ice Cream.

Yukon Caribou Crunch for CPAWS

All caribou populations across the nation are now classified as “endangered” under Canada’s Species At Risk Act. Scientists are especially concerned about the speed at which these populations are declining. Experts are concerned some populations may not survive the threats they’re facing. Canadian Geographic’s created a map to visualize population reduction.

With 13 chapters across Canada, CPAWS turned their focus towards developing conservation measures for boreal woodland caribou on public lands, including those leased to resource companies. CPAWS works with provinces, territories and the federal government, progressive companies, local communities and First Nations to protect important ecological and cultural landscapes.

According to CPAWS: “Caribou are vulnerable to extensive fragmentation, or damage, to their habitat, which exposes them to more predators and decreases their access to food sources. As the climate changes, natural pressures like fires and pests may also result in an increase in young forests or other impacts to their habitat, further amplifying the direct human impacts on the landscape.”

We are proud to work with CPAWS and hope our contribution will help them achieve their challenging goals. We hope Canadians will support our initiative.

Chapman's Yukon Vanilla, Caramel & Milk Chocolate with Crispy Rice Pieces Ice Cream Bar

Vanilla, Caramel & Milk Chocolate with Crispy Rice Pieces Ice Cream Bar